I can't uninstall Sophos, because I am not administrator. Download and connect with the OVPN file Download file from user portal Download Configuration for Other OSs in. I tried to unload these kext, but without success. Download and install Tunnelblick Client Download the latest version of the Tunnelblick for MAC from Put the file in the Applications folder and install the Tunnelblick.dmg file. The following command kextstat | grep -v com.apple Unable to load and/or kexts in 5 tries. Stderr from kextload: /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tap-notarized.kext failed to load - (libkern/kext) system policy prevents loading check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8). I get the following error message when I try to connect to my VPN server: openvpnstart log: Sophos Firewall: Configure SSL VPN for Mac OS X using Tunnelblick VPN Sophos Firewall: Configure SSL VPN client in Ubuntu using OpenVPN Sign up to the Sophos Support Notification Service to get the latest product release information and critical issues.